Tell the Leader the Truth
Tell the leader the truth! It seems like such a no-brainer. Of course we should tell the leader the truth, right? Yet, oftentimes in my experience, it’s not happening.

Confronting with Clarity and Kindness
Effective-immediately resignations, a pattern of them, can indicate a lack of trust in a leader’s ability to manage negative reality or information well.

Some Problems Aren't Logical
Sometimes ‘the problem’ can’t be solved through logic, because the problem isn’t logical; it’s emotional.

Identifying Low E.Q. Skills in Your Leadership Team
Identifying and addressing your leader’s E.Q. skills that need to be developed will help you build high performing leaders who can meet the relational and functional needs on your team and within your culture.

Coaching Tom
Sometimes, high achieving leaders avoid addressing a bad situation head-on because it feels painful or awkward, and it seems easier to avoid it and hope that the problem will resolve on its own.