Learn what’s new with Lisa!
How Anger Helps Us With Bonding
I’m back on Season 3 of the Personal Growth Sucks Podcast with my friend Erin Kinzel!
Erin and I talk about an overview of character capacities, with a special focus on the first one: attachment (or bonding). We’ll unpack how anger plays a crucial role in understanding our attachment needs and, believe it or not, how it can be the key to forming stronger, more fulfilling relationships.
Are you an Enneagram lover?
I recently joined Doug and Jessie on the Infertility Feelings Podcast to discuss Infertility and the Enneagram.
The Enneagram is a personality assessment tool used by many people worldwide. In this special episode, we are looking at EVERY Enneagram number and talking about how each number will react to the stressful world of trying to conceive.
Before you jump into the episode if you would like to take a test to find your Enneagram number I suggest this site. Truity.com
I’m excited to announce that I’ll be facilitating two courses this fall at Purdue University Fort Wayne! The courses are part of the Applied Leadership Certificate program.
Are you interested in developing your capacity as a leader? The Applied Leadership Certificate is designed to support professionals working in a community-based setting who desire to develop their innovation, problem-solving skills and effectiveness as leaders.
I’d love to connect with you through these courses! Additionally, there is a 15% discount being offered for the courses if you are a company with 3+ employees enrolled. Use Promo Code: CORP.
I recently had the privilege to join Erin Kinzel on her podcast, Personal Growth Sucks. We had a great conversation about how to get started with practicing relational nutrients in real life. Hear more about:
Why experiences with other people are essential to personal growth.
Why it’s okay (and even healthy) to be needy.
Whether or not relational nutrients look different depending on if you are introverted or extroverted.