Madison’s Mission
Madison, a highly successful and respected leader, in both the organization and the community. She was mission-minded and her people were fiercely loyal. Well, at least it appeared that way.

Tell the Leader the Truth
Tell the leader the truth! It seems like such a no-brainer. Of course we should tell the leader the truth, right? Yet, oftentimes in my experience, it’s not happening.

Why Don't They Trust Me?
I’ve worked with many different types of leaders. It's become clear to me that there’s a particular type of leader that people don’t trust…

How Long to Wait for Someone to Change
Sometimes people change…and sometimes they don’t. How do I know when to believe in someone's ability to change?

Confronting with Clarity and Kindness
Effective-immediately resignations, a pattern of them, can indicate a lack of trust in a leader’s ability to manage negative reality or information well.

Some Problems Aren't Logical
Sometimes ‘the problem’ can’t be solved through logic, because the problem isn’t logical; it’s emotional.

Confronting A Negative Pattern of Behavior
I knew pretty quickly into the session that we were going to have trouble. Felicia seemed to be unimpressed and skeptical of coaching.

A Missing Leadership Skill
I listened to a client talk about a failed leader…he and his company had spent a lot of time and money bringing this man in and he was perplexed because this leader seemed to have all the right stuff.

The “Right” Approach for Negative Outcomes
Effective delegation isn’t just being in tell mode. In fact, I’d argue that tell mode isn’t effective a majority of the time.

Identifying Low E.Q. Skills in Your Leadership Team
Identifying and addressing your leader’s E.Q. skills that need to be developed will help you build high performing leaders who can meet the relational and functional needs on your team and within your culture.

Coaching Tom
Sometimes, high achieving leaders avoid addressing a bad situation head-on because it feels painful or awkward, and it seems easier to avoid it and hope that the problem will resolve on its own.

How To Tell the CEO No
Mike felt stuck in the proverbial political corner at work. Senior leadership had given him an assignment with a deadline he knew he couldn’t meet.

A People Pleasing Culture
Where on the conflict continuum do you and/or your organization land?

Confronting Poor Leadership
I’m going to tell him exactly how his words/actions made me feel so he can understand how he makes others feel. Then he will get it.

Why the New Boss Failed
Most people don’t look forward to having a new boss. Why? Because the new leader is going to come in and make changes that impact their lives and work, and they will have little to no control or say so about it.

Are You Leading or Parenting Your Team?
Why can’t people just do their jobs?
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a leader share this lament in a session.