Should I Spend That Much On Myself?


Will I feel differently in a year from now? In five years from now? I lay awake wondering early one morning. Will I feel better? Be happier? If so, why? Why would things be better or why would I be happier? What was I doing now that would ensure that outcome for myself?

I thought about a client that I had spoken with the previous day…I had wanted her to go to the next level of development…to invest in her growth in an intensive leadership group I run. It’s a commitment of both time and money. Two finite resources. Maybe two of the most crucial resources we steward. She was comfortable committing one resource…a year of her time…it was the other resource money that was holding her back. Oh the money.

I’m not insensitive to a lack of funds or even to the hesitation or anxiety of spending money on myself…on my growth and development. If you knew my history you would feel confident that I’m in touch with the burden of financial stress. I get it. I also understand that without spending the money on my future well-being…ensuring that I am properly investing in myself; expanding my capacity for growth, for learning, for training; deepening my emotional intelligence through quality relationships like group work and coaching, then I’m actually not overseeing my money well. Ouch.

Many of us are more than willing to spend 30k, 40k or more on a new car. A car. Yes, we need them. True, they can also be gorgeous, fast and fun. I love new things…I love nice things. Yet, in a year from now…in five years from now…will that investment bring me greater happiness? Greater success? Deeper understanding and stronger relationships? 

How much would you spend to be free from the fears and insecurities that cause you lost sleep and lost opportunities? How much would it be worth to know that the R.O.I. of your personal investment would bring you greater freedom…access to internal talent you were unaware existed…relationships that were meaningful…awareness of yourself and of others that allowed you to better protect yourself from manipulation, skills that enabled you to navigate conflict and stress successfully, awareness that opened up new insights into how to do life better, be healthier, feel stronger? What would that be worth?!

There’s more than going to the gym that brings health. There’s more than a new house, car or vacation that brings wellness to our souls. We need growth to live well. Everything that’s alive needs growth to live well. 

I’m passionate about this message. I’m addicted to growth because of the value it brings and the quality of change it brings for people internally and externally. I share this reality with my clients, my friends, my family; there’s nothing of greater value to invest in than that of your internal self. 

Every year I spend more money on myself than I do anything else. More on myself than home improvements. More on myself than a new car. More on myself than an international vacation. Why? Because I’m selfish? I do it because of the profit it brings. Using my resources to develop myself, my talents and my skills benefits not only myself, but everyone around me. My children, my family, my friends and my clients. How is that selfish? And yes, this investment ultimately results in a financial return as well. How? Because I’m wiser than I was a year ago. I’m more valuable as a coach, consultant, employee or leader than I was a year ago. I continue to appreciate in value…we continue to appreciate in value as we invest in ourselves like any piece of art would. Your life is art. Protect it. Invest in it. Refine it.


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